Budgeting for design

Revealing your budget to your design company involves a certain amount of trust which is something that a good business relationship should always have.

Fearing that your design company will design to that dollar amount when a more inexpensive result may be possible is an understandable concern. But being hesitant to reveal your budget has it’s dangers. As stated in an AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts) publication, A Client’s Guide to Design, it’s as risky to design in a budgetary vacuum as it is to design without a goal.

If you inform us of how much you’ve budgeted for a design project, we’re usually able to put together a cost proposal to produce the best possible results to fit within that amount. Or perhaps we can suggest more inexpensive ways to achieve the same goals!

Graphic design is a process that when given more time yields better results. When we ask about your budget limitations, we’re looking for a ball park in which to explore options. But it’s not just about time. We also need to know whether things like photography, illustration or even special print techniques are an option.

If you need help establishing your budget, we’d be glad to meet with you and help you understand the costs and how to relate them to arriving at an appropriate budget.